Church in Honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All the Sorrowful", Sievierodonetsk, Luhansk oblast
According to the report of the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, Serhii Haidai, as a result of military operations in the city of Rubizhne on March 24, 2022, the Church of the Blessed Mother of God of the Moscow UOC was damaged. The cupolas in the yard of the church, which was under construction, were damaged. Besides the church building under construction, the adapted room for services was also damaged. In particular, windows and doors flew out, the glass damaged the Altar, on which the Holy Gifts were.
- Від обстрілів постраждав храм УПЦ на території лікарняного містечка у Сєвєродонецьку. Синодальний інформаційно-просвітницький відділ УПЦ (МП) (дата звернення: 09.01.2023).
- Лазаренко Т. Храм в больничном городке Северодонецка вновь пострадал от обстрелов. Союз православних журналістів (дата звернення: 13.01.2023).