Church of St. George the Victory-Bearer, Okhtyrka, Sumy oblast

From Religion on Fire
Church of St. George the Victory-Bearer
General information
Building typechurch
LocationOkhtyrka, Sumy Oblast
Religious affiliation*Orthodoxy (UOC MP)
Date of damage26 February 2022
Damage degreemedium
*as for moment of shelling

On February 26, 2022, after the explosions in the military unit, the windows in the Church were partially broken out, the plastic from the ceiling collapsed in the rooms, and several icons were damaged (according to the information provided by Propriest Heorhii Taraban, Secretary of the Sumy eparchy of the UOC MP). On May 17, 2022, due to a missile strike by the russian aerial forces, the Church of St. George was damaged again. The shock wave blew out windows and damaged a significant number of stained-glass windows in the church. The church is a monument of architecture of regional significance.



* Внаслідок ракетного обстрілу Охтирки з боку Росії пошкодження завдано Георгіївському храму. Православна Сумщина (дата звернення: 10.01.2023) 
  • Інформація надана офіційним представником Сумської єпархії УПЦ (МП) протоієреєм Георгієм Тарабаном.