House of Prayer of the ECB Church "Bethany", Mariupol, Donetsk oblast
At the end of March 2022 (the exact date is unknown), in the city of Mariupol, the House of Prayer of the ECB Church "Bethany" was destroyed and burned. Information about this was published on the official resources of the religious community - simultaneously on the website and the Facebook page. As a result of bombings and constant heavy fighting for Mariupol, the modern building of the "Bethany" church, unique in its architectural composition, suffered significant damage. As a result of the fire, the roof of the building collapsed, the facades and interiors were completely burned, and almost everything inside the church was destroyed by the fire. Windows and doors flew out, walls were destroyed.
- У Маріуполі окупанти знищили будинок молитви церкви «Віфанія». Релігійно-інформаційна служба України (дата звернення: 18.01.2023).
- У Маріуполі розбомбили будівлю церкви ЄХБ Віфанія. Всеукраїнський Союз Церков Євангельських Християн-Баптистів (дата звернення: 18.01.2023).
- Євангельські християни-баптисти України: офіційна фейсбук-сторінка. (дата звернення: 18.01.2023).