Taylors' Synagogue, Zaporizhzhya, Zaporizhzhya oblast

From Religion on Fire
Taylors' Synagogue
General information
Building typesynagogue
LocationZaporizhzhya, Zaporizhzhia Oblast
Religious affiliation*Judaism
Date of damagebefore 25 May 2022
Damage degreeslight
*as for moment of shelling

As a result of the shock wave from the Russian missile attack, which took place before May 25, 2022 (the exact date is unknown) in the Taylors’ Synagogue, located in the center of the city, windows in the original frames were knocked out. The synagogue was built in 1888. It was in front of it in 1941 that the Nazis gathered Jews before execution. The building is a monument of architecture of local importance. The synagogue belongs to the religious community "Yahad" of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine.

